8.2 Key Point

  1. Summary: 1073741824(0x40000000)

  2. Token Price for Seed Round Sales: 0.040U

    Proportion: 10.24%

  3. Token Price for Founding Round Sales: 0.200U

    Proportion: 10.24%

  4. Token Price for Verifier Round Sales: 0.25U

    Proportion: 5.12%

  5. Token Price for Strategic Sales: 0.50U

    Proportion: 2.56%

  6. IEO Transaction Price: 0.50U

    Proportion: 2.56%

  7. Proportion of Team Tokens: 10.24%

  8. Proportion of Foundation Tokens: 10.24%

  9. Percentage of Community Tokens: 48.8%

  10. Token Burning

    After the transaction is completed, 50% of the transaction fee will be destroyed.

  11. Vesting Schedule

    1. Team incentive: Never unlocked, only used for ecosystem governance voting

    2. Seed Round: 36 months

    3. Founding Round: 24 months

    4. Verifier Round: 24 months

    5. Strategy and IEO: None

    6. Foundation: 48 months

    7. Community: The management committee decides on the time limit and quantity of the deployment, with no lock-up period.

Last updated