3.2 Network Design

As shown in Figure 1, for each transaction, a system node is designated as the Checker to generate a credit check sequence, providing network-wide read consistency and verifiable credit checks. The Checker sorts and encrypts the user’s credit data through privacy computing, so that other nodes in the system can effectively process them, thereby maximizing throughput. It executes transactions on the current state stored in RAM and publishes the transactions and the signatures of the final state to a verification node called Verifier. The Verifier executes the same transactions on their own state replica and publishes the state signature they have computed as confirmation. The confirmation messages they publish serve as votes for the consensus algorithm.

It should be specifically noted that:

1. Checker and Verifier only provide the ability to verify calculations and produce results, and they do not have the authority to view the original data being verified.

2. At any given time in a non-partitioned state, there is always a Checker in the network. Each Verifier node possesses the same hardware capabilities as the Checker and can become a Checker through a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) based election process.

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