11.1 Development Milestones

First Year (from 2024.1):

Development ScheduleTasks

Month 1-2

Project Planning and Definition

Define the goals and vision of the public chain

Develop project plans and team structure

CCC issuance + IDO

Month 3-4

Technical Research and Selection

Research the latest blockchain technologies and platforms

Select a suitable underlying technical framework for the public chain

CCC listing on major exchanges

Month 5-6

Protocol Design and White Paper

Design the consensus protocol and core protocols for the public chain

Write project white paper that provides detailed information on the technology and business model of the public chain

Month 7-9

Development Environment Setup and Underlying Technology Implementation

Set up the development environment and UAT network for the public chain

Implement underlying technologies of the public chain, including block generation, transaction processing, etc.

Month 10-12

Public Chain Test Net Release

Publish the test net of the public chain and invite developers to test and provide feedback

Collect user feedback and make corresponding adjustments

Official launch of the 3C main net

Second Year (from 2025.1):

Development ScheduleTasks

Month 13-15

Smart Contracts and Developer Tools

Design and implement public chain smart contract function

Provide comprehensive developer tools and documentation

Month 16-18

Promote the participation of miners and nodes to ensure the stability of the network

Month 19-21

Ecosystem Development and Partnership

Recruit developers to promote ecosystem development

Seek partnerships to expand the influence of the public chain

Month 22-24

Upgrade and Optimization

Based on user feedback and actual operation, upgrade and optimize the public chain

Improve the performance and scalability of the public chain

Third Year (from 2026.1):

Development ScheduleTasks

Month 25-27

Cross-chain Interoperability and Decentralized Governance

Research and implement cross-chain interoperability solutions

Introduce decentralized governance mechanisms to promote community participation

Month 28-30

Community Building and Promotion

Enhance community building and user engagement

Implement global marketing strategies to attract more users and developers

Closing Phase

Month 31-32

Regulatory Compliance

Research and comply with local and international regulations to ensure compliant operation of the public chain

Establish partnerships with regulatory authority to enhance the legitimacy of the public chain

Month 33-36

Continuous Upgrading and Development

Continuously monitor technological advancements and market changes and make necessary upgrades and adjustments

Promote the development of the public chain in more industries and application domains

Last updated