7.2 Privacy Data Encryption Process

Ensure that privacy data is appropriately encrypted during storage and transmission.

Encryption Algorithm: RSA-256.

Generating key: Generate a key for the privacy data encryption algorithm.

Encrypting privacy data: Encrypt privacy data with the generated key to ensure that only legitimate users with the decryption key can decrypt the data.

Storing encrypted data: Store the encrypted privacy data on the blockchain, ensuring that only authenticated users have access to decryption privileges.

Transferring encrypted data: Transmit the encrypted privacy data within the blockchain network, ensuring confidentiality of the data during the transmission process.


Key Management: Proper management of encryption keys is crucial. Ensure that only authorized users can access and decrypt privacy data. the privacy key of PoC is typically the private key of the wallet address.

Algorithm Updates: Regularly assess and update encryption algorithms to ensure that privacy data is protected with the latest security measures.

Privacy Policy: Clearly define the privacy policy to ensure that users understand their privacy rights and how their data is being handled.

Last updated