3.1Technical Overview

3C is to make optimizations in the state machine of blockchain, adding the credit check step.

The most important part of a blockchain system is the combination of state machine transitions, which provides a dynamic model that describes the states of the entire system at different time points and the transitions between them.

In a typical blockchain, the operation process of the state machine is as follows:

Transaction submission: The user submits a transaction, which contains the operation to be executed and the necessary parameters. 3C encrypts the raw credit data that needs to be verified into the parameter content in order to verify the credibility of the user and the transaction object.

Verification and consensus: Nodes in the network verify the legitimacy of the transaction, in 3C, there are special verification nodes that additionally verify the results of the credit data, and then, reach an agreement through a consensus algorithm to determine the next block to be added.

Block generation: Once a consensus is reached, nodes pack the transactions into a block and add it to the blockchain. This process involves a Proof of Credit (PoC) consensus mechanism.

State update: The state machine of the blockchain updates the state of the entire system based on the new block. This involves adding new historical credit data, updating account balances, executing smart contracts, and other operations.

New state broadcasting: All nodes in the system will be notified when a new state has been updated to ensure that all nodes in the network remain synchronized.

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