
The digital world must be built on a foundation of trustworthiness, as it is an essential element to ensure the security, stability, and effective operation of digital systems, networks, and transactions.

  1. Trust is the foundation of the digital economy: In the digital economy, many transactions and businesses rely on electronic forms of communication and exchange. This trust is the basis for various digital transactions such as e-commerce, online payments, and contract execution.

  2. Security requirements: Trustworthy foundation is essential for digital system and network security. In the digital world, we deal with large amounts of sensitive information, such as personal identities and financial data. Systems built on trustworthy foundations can better protect this information from unauthorized access, theft, or tampering.

  3. Data integrity: Trustworthy foundation helps ensure the integrity of data. In the digital world, it is essential to guarantee that data is not tampered with during transmission and storage. Trustworthy foundation maintains data integrity through the use of encryption and other security measures.

  4. Compliance requirements: Many industries and sectors are subject to regulations and compliance constraints that require digital systems and transactions to be conducted within legal boundaries. Systems built on trustworthy foundations can more easily meet these compliance requirements.

  5. Business trust and reputation: Businesses in the digital world, especially those operating on the internet, need to establish good business trust and reputation. Trustworthy digital systems help to ensure the reliability of the company and brand, and enhance the trust of users and customers.

  6. Fraud prevention: Trustworthy foundation helps to prevent fraudulent activities. In the digital environment, fraudsters attempt to gain illegal benefits through various means. A trustworthy system can provide tools and technologies to detect and prevent these fraudulent behaviors.

The vision of 3C is to build a trustworthy digital world that is instant, convenient, no-need-to-explain, and naturally evolved.

3C can be used to replace all existing underlying foundations of DeFi, Dex, NFT markets, lending platforms, mortgage pools, loan platforms, and other financial platforms on blockchain.

Currently, all asset platforms on blockchain have to independently address the credit check issue, which is a cumbersome process.

3C can perfectly solve such problems.

In the future, addresses, nodes and even transactions without 3C verification will be regarded as unverified and untrustworthy in the blockchain world, which means they will lose the possibility of participating in transactions and processing data.

Last updated